
Normal Delivery

We believe in promoting nature’s way of delivering the child. With expert guidance and assistance, we help mother’s go through antenatal period smoothly resulting in a healthy mother and healthy child.

Painless Delivery

We promote as an option the painless method of delivery through epidural analgesia given by our expert anesthesia team. This is infact the latest technique being employed all over the world. The patients and the relatives are thoroughly counseled before the procedure.

High Risk Pregnancy

Our team of doctors is fully trained and highly experienced in dealing with all kind of high risk situations in pregnancy. For example increased blood pressure, diabetes, twins, abnormal positioning of placenta. We have the facility of NST.

Fetal Electronic Monitoring

Continuous real time fetal monitoring equipment is used for all patients in labor to avoid any untoward incidents. The fetal monitor being used is of the highest quality and latest technology.

Pediatrician on Call

Specialist pediatrician is at standby to receive the new born and provide expert neonatal advice and service along with at birth vaccination.

Antenatal classes by Dr. Prem Singla

Antenatal classes by Dr. Prem Singla herself twice a week to ensure smooth and delightful journey through out pregnancy.

NDVH – Non Descent Vaginal Hysterectomy